Tai Chi, Team Leadership and Contented Cows

A Metro News article tells of a new angle on motivational methods.

Rob Taverner performs the ancient martial art in front of his 100 cows every morning to get them in the right moo-d to produce lots of milk.

The 44-year-old organic farmer visits the animals at 9am each day to run through his ten-minute routine of slow movements and breathing techniques – dressed in his distinctive overalls and wellies. He said: ‘Tai chi is all about leaving your problems behind and getting into a better zone and my mood definitely transfers to the cows’.

Crazy or What?

This blog has not been afraid to espouse the unusual. In the past we have looked at Horse Whispering, Mandrill management …

But Tai Chi for improved productivity of a herd of cows? What possible justification can there be for taking this starting point for insights into leadership?

Pause a moment

Many ideas start out as being mocked, and then dismissed as obvious. I assume this is item is likely to fall more in the former than the latter category.

Mr Taverner attracted quite a lot of publicity nationally for his tale of Tai Chi. It had the sort of quirkiness that appeals to Brits. The organic farmer also handled the media rather well. In a radio interview he added a further twist to the tale.

The cows were not just happy but their contentment had been accompanied by a measurable increase in milk production. Did all this leave himself open to ridicule? Well yes, a bit, but not enough to bother a diligent student of Tai Chi. And he had an added twist to the story.

Tai Chi and Team Leadership

He had gone down to his local rugby club over the weekend [April 12-13, 2008]. Seems the under-fourteen squad greeted him with their own humorous (as in Rugby club humourous) version of a Tai Chi warm up.

See? I said there was a connection with team leadership. According to the farmer the team went on to win its competition.

Make your own mind up

A momentary bit of eye candy? Or should we be looking more closely at the rationale for applying Tai Chi as part of a sporting leader’s armoury of techniques which help team members generate fierce resolve?


To Jonathan Guiliano for introducing me to Bob Sutton’s entertaining and well-informed blog

7 Responses to Tai Chi, Team Leadership and Contented Cows

  1. […] not? As I mulled over this news item I recalled the more recent story of Tai Chi and ‘cow whispering’ as the secret weapon for a rugby team. After which, the application of ballet principles for […]

  2. edjay says:

    Give it some wellie Rob!

    The way life turns is so encouraging sometimes: When the UK and Europe made all it’s “made in China” business plans, I bet they didn’t guess that in 50 years this would be common-place in all aspects of European life.

  3. edjay says:

    I couldn’t resist putting a link to the article in one of North Wales’ growing Taiji forums:


  4. Dear nordbriff

    Your ‘test’ was successul. I reduce the numbers of comments from time to time. (NB, Byron also) so your ‘test’ will be removed in the next cull. Of course, new messages are always welcomed…

  5. BradyTync says:

    373008453 – hello friends!

  6. Kirracery says:

    – –

  7. Richardluse says:


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